How Podcasts Can Dramatically Improve Your Online Reputation
While there are many ways to prove your authority in your field, creating Podcasts is one of the most effective. A Podcast is a digital audio recording that interested parties can download and listen to via a variety of devices, such as smart phones and computers. Listeners can even receive your Podcasts automatically, as they are produced. By using Podcasts, you can reach listeners on a more personal level, while sharing your extensive knowledge in your field. By touching listeners with your expertise, you can dramatically improve your online reputation.
Though Podcasting can be very simple, it is also important to know how it will impact your online reputation. To help you boost your Internet reputation, below is a list of rules for creating a high quality Podcast:
- Show off your knowledge of your field. A Podcast is a great way to let customers know that you are an industry leader. In your recording, feel free to discuss the industry, whether specifically or broadly, your area, and closely related fields.
- Invest in a quality recording system. For less than $100.00, you can purchase a quality microphone for your computer. Listeners will appreciate the enhanced sound quality, and will be impressed with your professionalism. Additionally, if you edit using your computer, you are free to cut awkward moments and mistakes.
- Talk solely about your company. While you should mention you business on occasion, listeners will surely discontinue your Podcast if you turn it into an extended commercial for your company. Instead, discuss important aspects of your field.
- Ramble. Having a clear and precise outline for your Podcast before recording will help you stay on topic and sound professional. While we don’t encourage reading word for word from a prepared speech, a balanced level of preparation and natural discussion will keep listeners engaged.
By following these rules, your Podcast can contribute positively to your online reputation. With a Podcast that is both professional in content and quality, your company will gain positive Internet credibility and a reputable business.