Submission of Positive Reviews
How It Works
We start by creating several review microsites. Each of these is developed with the purpose of aggregating all the positive reviews about your company and website. We will be controlling the reviews on this site and only show the 4-star and 5-star reviews. Then, we gather new reviews from your customers in an unassuming and unobtrusive manner.
Secondly, we ask reviewers to share their positive reviews and help manage the negative ones. When a positive review is posted to one of the microsites, the reviewer is prompted to share the review to the sites of your choosing such as Yelp, Sitejabber, Reseller Reviews etc.
Positive reviews are posted on several microsites and shared to dozens of other review sites that get millions of visits per month.
Reputation management should be a continuous process. However, using our service allows you to see results in a few months. Most of our clients see their total reviews double in the first month.